When Imhoff’s Gift was planned and developed as a residential estate back in the mid-1990s, the developers, Red Cliff Property CC, stipulated that there would be a Homeowners’ Association, and that all original purchasers of a plot, as well as their successors in title, would be obliged to be members of the association and to abide by its constitution.
In due course, the Imhoff’s Gift Homeowners’ Association (IGHOA) was constituted as a body corporate in terms of the provisions of Section 29 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance (LUPO) at the Inaugural Meeting of the IGHOA in 1995. Since then, all owners of properties in Imhoff’s Gift have automatically been members of IGHOA.
There have been periods when IGHOA was not as active as it should have been, but it has always existed as a legal entity, as has the obligation of property owners to belong to the association, to pay levies and to abide by its constitution.
IGHOA’s constitution mandates it to deal with two matters in particular: the security of everyone who lives in Imhoff’s Gift, and the maintenance of architectural standards according to the estate’s design manual. In addition, IGHOA has taken on responsibility for maintaining some of the common areas of the estate – the verges along Atlantic Drive, the play-park, and the vlei paths, foot bridges
and benches.
IGHOA has an annual general meeting, usually in February, at which every property has a single vote. The trustees are elected at the AGM and serve for the following year. Elected trustees are entitled to co-opt additional trustees if necessary.
The current trustees are: Mike Pothier (Chair); Willi Schalk (Vice-chair); Dorothy Summers (Finance); Kevin Mitchell (Architecture); Marleen de Klerk; and Wendy Stovold.